Affiliate Disclosure

Stuff We Recommend is a participant in various retail and wholesale companies’ affiliate programs. These programs were designed by companies to partner with internet enthusiasts like us where we might earn a commission by sharing and linking our content to the products and services they offer.

Stuff We Recommend wants you to save every dollar you can, therefore, we scout the internet on a daily basis to share with you the lowest prices, best selling, most valuable and most desired products on the internet.

Our main purpose is not to share products or services for a commission. Instead, our aim is to share with you the best and highest quality products at heavily discounted prices that we have stumbled upon while browsing the internet. While visiting our site, if you happen to purchase a linked product from one of our affiliate partners we might earn a commission. However, this will not impact the cost to you as a consumer in anyway. Your cost to purchase any product or service will remain the same regardless of our affiliate links.

Therefore, by making a purchase through our affiliate links, you will help us to keep out website up and running so that we can continue to share more valuable contents with you.